Thursday, November 29, 2007

I don't drink Tea

You asked "How do I get tea stains out of my white shirts?" For someone who doesn’t drink tea, I buy an awful lot of it, especially now that it’s cold outside. The males in my home are to blame for this, so my own solution to the problem is this: no white shirts! Since I don’t think that will work for you, here’s what you should do: As soon as you notice the stain, soak in cold water for about 30 min, rub a little laundry detergent on to the spot and throw it in the wash. I think Tide w/ bleach takes out everything, just my opinion though. If you’ll be drinking (tea) and driving, you should buy a Tide-To-Go pen, so you can treat your stain ‘on the road’ before it gets a chance to set. For stubborn stains, try this: First rinse with warm water, then pour boiling water over the stain, wash in soapy water. If you want to find out how to take out almost any stain, go to: or try and go to the "stain-solver"!

I hope my answer helps, let me know. Got another question? Just Ask Mo

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's Grandma's job to indulge, isn't it?

You asked, “It’s Grandma’s job to indulge, isn’t it?” I’m going to be honest with you here, there are two answers to your question: Yes and No! Actually, indulging your grandchildren is a wonderful and generous thing. They deserve as much time and attention as a Grandma wants to give, gifts not required! That said, Mom and Dad’s rules need to be respected along the way. My suggestion is an open conversation to agree on some limits, and then indulge away Grandma. By spoiling “within limits” you still get to indulge your grandchildren while fostering a healthy adult relationship with your own child. Remember, some of the best childhood memories are those of time spent with Grandparents. Make those memories amazing, "within limits"! A great article to take a look at:

Well, thanks for the question! I hope I helped. If there's anything else you want to know, Just Ask Mo!

Monday, November 26, 2007

How Dare I Think I Can Answer Your Questions???

I do not want to come off as a "know it all", because that is definitely not the case! I am constantly reading. Books, magazines, internet research, textbooks, children's books; you name it, I'll read it. My children are 18, 17, 15, 13, 10 and 7, four boys and two girls, so there are many different activities, interests and conversations going on around here. When people hear me say I have six children they usually ask me if I'm crazy first and then how I do it...Because of my children, I have been lucky enough to have tons of great advice and information be given to me by amazing people. Now I can pass it along. So ask away, what do you want to know? I don't care what you ask, Just Ask Mo!